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时间:2024-07-05 10:35 阅读数:221人阅读

2017外研社杯英语写作大赛范文篇2 The Splendid Chinese Moon Festival On 15th August according to the lunar calendar in China,it’s the traditional Moon festival,whi惊鸿若雨2023-09-2723:25 关注The Chinese path to modernization 外研社·国才杯英语演讲16阅读0 8 发表评论发表作者最近动态惊鸿若雨2023-11-15 周末愉快,早安日签,正能

>^< Yes, sadly that’s right. In China, more than 20 billion plastic bags are consumed everyday, making our country’s plastic pollution unbearable. No抛砖引玉。China, a Global View.Temet nosce.Hi, everybody! Have you ever seen the film Wolf


but also gained a knowledge to see China in a global view, and also cultivated a more international mindset. And Shashvat is not alone. Fudan's population of fore5月25日晚8点,2017 “外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛定题演讲破题直播第一讲顺利开启!近千名热爱演讲的小伙伴在U讲堂上和来自四川大学的任文老师进行了在线互动

