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时间:2024-06-27 17:13 阅读数:902人阅读

IP 美英['aɪ'pi] abbr.(=Internet Protocol)【计】网际协议网络知识产权(intellectual property);互联网协议(Internet Protocol);网络协议英汉英英网络释义abbr. 1ip ip 美['aɪ'pi] abbr.ice point 冰点;illegal possession 非法占有;intersection point 交点;in passing 顺便;网络释义知识产权(Intellectual Property);

>^< IP IP 英['aɪ'pi] 核心词义abbr.互联网协议(Internet Protocol);工业生产(Industrial Production);项目处理(Item Processing);位置辨识(Identification of Position);知识an IP address 一个互联网通讯协议地址(LAW) 知识产权(intellectual property的缩写) abbreviation for intellectual property 随便看give head give in

ip [ɪp] ★例词1. clip [klɪp] n. (塑料或金属的)夹子;回纹针;修剪;剪报2. skip [skɪp] vi. 跳跃;跳绳;遗漏;跳读3. ship [ʃɪp] vt.运送,乘船;以船运送4. slip [slIP 英[ˌaɪˈpiː] 考点解读托福雅思剑雅词频:1 IP 常考释义abbr. 互联网协议(Internet Protocol);工业生产(Industrial Production);项目处理(Item Proce

P-I 英[piː aɪ] 美[piː aɪ] 释义[医][=prophase of first meiosis]第一次成熟分裂实用场景例句全部If you'll lend me 75 p, I'll repay you next week. 你若借给我75ip 释义abbr. ice point 冰点;illegal possession 非法占有;intersection point 交点;in passing 顺便大小写变形:IP 实用场景例句全部Every connection that you make to



