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时间:2024-06-27 13:22 阅读数:833人阅读

答辩用英语怎么说答辩的英语说法1: answer 答辩的英语说法2: defence 答辩的英语说法3: rejoin 答辩相关英语表达:the right of public reply; 公开答辩的权利graduation o【篇一】答辩用英语怎么说reply 例句The people's court shall, within five days of receiving the defendant's reply, send a copy of the reply to the plaintiff. 被告提出答

╯0╰ 答:论文答辩Oral defense 问:论文答辩的英语怎么说答:论文答辩[词典](thesis) oral defense;[例句]我明天论文答辩。I'm going to defend my thesis tomorrow. 问:“论文答辩”英英语词典答辩/ da bian / da bian 1.to reply to a charge, etc. 2.[Law] a plea生辰测算手机吉凶2024年运势一生财运性别:男女生日: 立即测试》2024运势首发新

∪﹏∪ 中期答辩怎么说..信院的,想知道中期答辩没过会有什么后果,我工作量太小了,最近又有点事,感觉中期会寄8u们救救我,还有,中期会不会影响毕业怎么没人中文中期答辩英语翻译Midterm defense 重要词汇词汇说明记忆技巧defense TOEFL,GRE,TOEIC de 加强+ fens 打击+ e → 保卫参考资料: 1.百度翻译:中期

双方的答辩和反驳太广泛了,不能在这里叙述. 辞典例句In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty. 废除死刑者在答辩中对答辩 make open reply 中文释义答辩[dá biàn](1) [reply;make open answer;reply in argument]∶应答别人的提

