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时间:2024-07-02 15:03 阅读数:575人阅读

以下是一些英文邮件模板案例,供您参考:1. 询盘回复邮件模板Dear [Customer Name], Thank you for your interest in our product and sending the inquiry外企工作英文邮件100 句1,I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you 2, I am writing to follow up our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2 3,With reference t

外企工作英文邮件100句1,Iam writing to confirm/enquire/inform you…2,Iam writing to follow up ourearlierdecision on themarketingcampaign in Q2 3,With reference t外企英文邮件常用100句精心整理外企工作邮件100句〜很实用!来源:1.1amwritgtoconfirm/enquire/informyou…我写信时要确认/询问/通知你。。。2.1amwritingtofo

外企邮件模板如下所示:Hello/Hi/Dear xxx(英文名), Hope this email finds you well.I am writing to inform you that the project xxx.Would you please se比如下面这20句职场经典邮件英语:转发邮件:1. For your information. (FYI) (请知悉) 2. For your reference. (FYR) (供你参考) 表示同意:3. I’m fine with it. (我对此没有异

The information is well received. Knowledge receipt of your email. It has been informed. It has been noticed. 简单点,也可以这样说:Noted. Well noted49.wouldappreciateverymuchyouwouldsendmeyourreplynextMonday.如果能在下周一前收到您的答复,我将非常感激。50.Hopeletmeknowe-mailASAP.希望您对此没有问题

10. In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided…回复贵方4月1日的邮件,我方决定…11. This is in response to your e-mail today. 这是对您今早发外企英文邮件范文规范英文邮件的书写要求和规范.docx,外企英文邮件范文规范英文邮件的书写要求和规范你好,我在一家外企工作,平时经常会为国外客户写英文邮件

