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时间:2024-06-28 15:16 阅读数:655人阅读

英音['bɪtənəs] 美音[ ˈbɪtɚnɪs] bitterness 基本解释n.苦味;痛苦;悲痛;酷烈所属分类:TOEFLCET6 使用频率:中文词源bitterness 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,弓箭手将他苦害,向他射箭,逼迫他。dict.veduchina 3. She found a much higher proportion of women to be supertasters, responding more to bitterness than men. 她

这个单词的意思是苦的,苦的食物有:苦瓜、杏仁、茶叶、莲子心。这个单词的意思是苦的。“bitter pill”是“苦药”,“swallow”是“吞”,这个习语可不是“良药苦口”,而是“难以接受的事”“难以下咽的苦果”。举例:It was a bitter pill for her

e.g:ignorant adj.无知的(ignore v.忽视)resistant adj.抵抗的(resist v.抗拒,抵抗)habitat n.栖息地2.violent adj.暴力的(同义词=fierce)—violence n.暴力—violently adv.激烈sour 酸的hot 辣的salty 咸的spiced 加香料的fragrant 香的tasteless 无味的light 清淡的palatable 味美的常见形容词例句bland清淡的It tasted bland and insipid, like

快来和Dino一起了解常见夏日饮品的英文说法吧Lemonade (柠檬水)Lemonade is a refreshing drink made with lemon juice, sugar and water. It is usually servbitter - The almonds were very bitter. I could hardly eat the cookies. 苦的-杏仁很苦,我几乎吃不下饼干。bland - This sauce is very bland. It doesn't

