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时间:2024-06-27 20:32 阅读数:903人阅读

初中英语作文:遵守诺言Keep My Words 【英语资源# #初中英语作文:遵守诺言Keep My Words#】英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交2诚实的英语作文范文一When it comes to honesty, quite a lot of people believe it is essential to a person’s character and success. They base their idea on the followin

遵守诺言英语作文篇1 Promise is very important, I hate people who break their promise, the one who can’t keep his promise is not reliable. Once, my friend asked me to hTIME \@ yyyy年M月2022年5月PAGE 1 诚信的重要性英语作文优秀3篇诚信的英语作文篇一诚信的英语作文篇二Integrity, is the flower of civilization, brings

做一个诚实守信的人英语作文篇1 Honesty is the best quality in the world, I may not be honest before. But, at the time of my hometown, but I really do have a honest hea诚信的重要性英语作文【1】People always attach the importance to the promise, they hate people who break their promise. I remember once a time, my friend asked me

英语作文坚守承诺Keep the Promise My father is a stubborn man, and he always keeps what he thinks is right. He is such a strong man in my mind, beca信守承诺的英语作文1Sunday,afterarticle“Trust",couldn´thelpveryexcited.Whogoodprisonerdisappointeddiscriminationagainstprisoners,trust.However,who

